Can China become a scientific superpower? The Economist

发布时间: 2019/1/16 10:26:00

  A study published by Elsevier, a scientific publisher, and Nikkei, a Japanese news business, on January 6th found that China published more high-impact research papers than America did in 23 out of 30 hot research fields with clear technological applications. Chinese science is a nimble giant, capable of piling in on any new field of promise with enormous, often centrally encouraged, force. ( Can China become a scientific superpower? The Economist )


  In recent years, Chinese government has vigorously implemented the innovation-driven development strategy and national intellectual property strategy. Inspired by the policy, with mounting technological outputs of Chinese universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises, China's competitiveness in global technological competition is also growing.



(Editor Shao Jingjing)

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